Shiva’s mind voice was like, why are these people strongly believe in me as the almighty even though I know I was just a common man. People and the rulers in Meluha really believed that Shiva will be the saviour and accepted him as the true leader to guide Meluhans in the path of Lord Ram. The admiration and real trust entrusted upon Shiva makes him believe what is not true. The plot is a clash between the so-called Good Suryavanshis and the evil Chandravanshis.Ī common man turned Neelkanth, the Shiva, was considered as the saviour of the Suryavanshis, making Shiva believe that the Chandravanshis were the evil spirit that tries to disorient the city which was created by Lord Ram, some thousand years ago. This is a story of a nomadic tribe who was immigrated to the city of Meluha to save the city from the so-called evil Chandravanshis. Every good leader will desire to provide a place like Meluha to his people. The leader and the tribe were astonished by the sophistication which was seen in Meluha. Shiva, a Guna tribe leader, and his entire tribe start a nomadic migration from the foothills of Mt. Yes, here we go, this story “The Immortals of Meluha” plot dates back to 1900 B.C in the Indus valley civilization. Your story is based on religious philosophy which the youth aren’t really interested in, you got your own take on religion, taking some liberty with the conventional view of religion which means older religious people won’t like it, and insisting on writing in modern easy English, which means literati will not like this book and in who’s god’s name you are writing this book?”–įollow the post to know what the author actually said for this negative comment… “Dude do you want to alienate every single reader segment. The negative comment which he received from the publishers was this, The author after finishing his book writing (The Immortals of Meluha) tried with many publishers and he got a unanimous reply from all the publishers and obviously, you all would know what it would be. I would like to narrate an incident which the author himself has expressed in an interview and here it goes, I just wanted to share my experience about the book and that’s all I wanted to do. I and the author have a common connection that he was a Banker for fourteen years and he quit his job to pursue his writing career, whereas myself, who started as a banker and still in the banking industry maybe not because of my choice :D. The Immortals of Meluha is – The Story of Shiva, the simple man, whose Karma recast him as our Mahadev (The God of Gods).Hey folks, after a long time, I have come up with a new book review (Probably the book may be old but still 😊) “The Immortals of Meluha” written by Mr Amish. The Immortals of Meluha can be classified as a Mythological Fantasy. At the end of the first book, Shiva is asking the right question - in fact the most crucial one: "What is evil?" And on his interpretation of the answer and in the very duality of life, hangs the fate of India. Somewhere in an attempt to find the right answers, we forget the more important task of asking the right questions. A fast moving action narrative in which we also learn of the origin of the Brahmins, the magical anti-ageing drink Somras (with modern-research backed support of its efficacy), the concepts of Vishnu and others. The legend of Shiva the man is told as a gripping fantasy in which Hindu myths are interpreted from a unique perspective and which explores philosophies such as the many versions of reality, karma, the character of societies, nature of evil and duality. The book is on story of Lord Shiva and according to John the prankier and lighter side of Shiva is also pretty evident in the book and entertains us throughout. John's description of the book motivated me and created an interest in the book. John commented about this book on my World travel information blog, the blog post was to Mani Mahesh Yatra.